Abstract Paintings
About the work
I currently have two bodies of work that I am producing. I view them as two stations on a timeline.
The first consists of loose artworks comprised of expressive marks, often with moments or expanses of raw canvas, or fabric. These are young paintings that have come into their own quickly. They feel moody, adolescent, erratic, yet defined or visually clear. They didn't need intellectualizing during the painting process. They simply needed raw emotion, and movement to arrive at their conclusion.
The second is a group of paintings at a later stage of development. This body is comprised of paintings that didn't find their foothold in their first phase of life. They consist of layers and layers of paint that show a more concerted, intellect based approach. They required assessment, re-assessment, and a careful trimming of shapes and colors to arrive at a more refined and contained composition, without becoming uptight. They feel light yet deep, playful but restrained, goofy yet more elegant than their younger counterparts.
For me these bodies of work require one another to exist. They speak to each other in the back and forth that I experience within myself, between the desire or need to mature (the reluctant act of aging) and the stubborn reality of being playful at heart, and inquisitive to the point of irritation (the reluctant nature of being incurably immature).